You are whole and resourceful. You are magical and powerful. You are a being of infinite worth surrounded by unconditional love. We are born knowing these truths, but culture works to obscure them from our consciousness. Finding happiness and fulfillment isn’t about Discovering who you are, but about Remembering your magnificent, awesome self. I believe you are already AWESOME and you came here to be and do awesome things.
WHY I LOVE COACHING WOMEN:I am continually reminded that our struggles are universal and we are not alone. I love helping women break free from the soul-crushing limitations of patriarchy and capitalism. I live to help myself and others continually reclaim our true power and worth. I support and encourage you to live authentically and expansively, as is your birthright. I love to witness the changes clients create for themselves and the waves of transformation that flow to their friends, families, communities, and workplaces.
A TURNING POINT (one of many):
I was adopted as a baby by a loving family. Despite my good fortune and their best intentions, I carried the sense that I wasn’t worth keeping. I was deeply hungry for approval, belonging and love, while feeling desperately lonely and unable to connect in my relationships - friends, family, lovers. I knew no one else in the world “like me,” so I started to pretend I was dropped to Earth in a space pod to explain away my loneliness and pain.
One day, a friend witnessed me in a burst of creative fantasizing about my ideal world, and she declared, “You’re not from outer space. You’re the Last Unicorn!” Suddenly, my otherness became a special magic, my beautiful way of interacting with the world. That shift in identity freed me from my story of rejection and loneliness and created change in every area of my life.
I saw how we can live and die by our stories, even when they are painfully incomplete versions of who we are. So I devoted myself to learning how to help myself and others liberate ourselves from our inner blocks; to create new stories, beliefs and identities that align with our true self, our gifts and our purpose for a life of love, meaning, and fulfillment.
One day, a friend witnessed me in a burst of creative fantasizing about my ideal world, and she declared, “You’re not from outer space. You’re the Last Unicorn!” Suddenly, my otherness became a special magic, my beautiful way of interacting with the world. That shift in identity freed me from my story of rejection and loneliness and created change in every area of my life.
I saw how we can live and die by our stories, even when they are painfully incomplete versions of who we are. So I devoted myself to learning how to help myself and others liberate ourselves from our inner blocks; to create new stories, beliefs and identities that align with our true self, our gifts and our purpose for a life of love, meaning, and fulfillment.